In less than a rooster crows, tickets will be on sale
We have all the pieces arranged on the desk. We have placed all the gears, reviewed each spacing, balanced code and oiled panels with its contents.
Now, it's time to announce that Call for Papers is open until April, 24th. Out nerves! We already know that you ¡Fuera nervios que ya sabemos que tenéis ganas de drupalear a lo grande, bajo la compañía de un buen fino de Jerez!
Follow the Call for Papers route:
- Sign up on the website and fill all fields
- You will receive an email with a link to access... this means you have to go to your mail manager and seek us. Almost done!
- When accessing, you'll be able to set your password, and then go to the next menu item to send us your talk proposal: ‘Sessions > Propose a Session’
It's easy, right?
From now on keep an eye on your email, because soon you'll have more news. Ticket sales for DrupalCamp 2015 will start very soon!